Micraft 1.18
Micraft 1.18

micraft 1.18

What’s not so fun is finally emerging from the darkness, climbing towards the sweet glow of natural daylight, only to realise you’re at the wrong cave entrance and be promptly shot by 12 skeletons at once.

micraft 1.18

There’s nothing quite as depressing as watching everything you own spill out onto the ground, floating in that liminal space between the champion you could have been and your sad little avatar standing naked and alone at spawn again. Most players can relate to the frustration of going for your first mining session, tediously tracking down enough iron to make full armour and weapons, only to fall back down a ravine or get lost in a cave and starve to death. Perhaps the most significant change, however, is the mining experience. They’re not the menacing boss mob we were promised, but they’re a fun distraction until 1.19 drops. Glow squids are pleasantly mesmerising, with glow ink finally making dark wood signs legible, even if it causes intense lag.

micraft 1.18

Goats add something to the previously barren cliff landscape but are ultimately useless (…at least llamas drop leather…). Axolotls make charming pets (and look adorable in their little buckets). The new mobs are fun, if practically useless. For builders like me, the new biome aesthetics have made for hours of fun redecorating established builds with glow-berry vines and amethyst clusters or updating my gardens with azalea bushes and moss carpet. Released in two parts across 2021, the Caves and Cliffs update added multiple new mobs, a new set of blocks, and completely remodelled cave and cliff generation. Have the changes and additions of the long-awaited 1.18 “Caves and Cliffs” update changed the way we play as significantly as they were anticipated to? With 1.19 fast approaching, now feels like a good time to reflect on some of the big changes we’ve already seen in the game over the last year. Whether you like an action-packed, combat-heavy style of play or prefer a peaceful life of building and farming, there’s something new coming for everyone. The update will feature new ‘Mangrove Swamp’ and ‘Deep Dark’ biomes, the much-anticipated arrival of the hostile mob ‘The Warden’, and a variety of new blocks. As we roll into 2022, Minecraft enthusiasts everywhere will be gearing up for the 1.19 “The Wild” update due to drop this June.

Micraft 1.18